Dhara is a method of kerala special treatment evolved from the genius of the medical tradition here. Many such distinctive and excellent forms of treatments, not practiced in the other parts of India are conducted by Kerala Physicians.
Under this Shirodhara Treatment, a continuous stream of medicated warm oil/ herbal decoctions/ medicated milk/ buttermilk is poured onto the forehead for 45 to 90 minutes. This shirodhara therapy procedure often induces a mental state similar to a trance, which creates profound relaxation of the mind and body. Offered shirodhara treatment calicut deeply relaxes and revitalizes the central nervous system. Shirodhara Treatment gives the best results when taken after an Abhyanga.
Dhara is good for all ailments. Changing the liquid as per the Dosha condition, with necessary alterations in the procedure, is useful to alleviate any Dosha.
Shirodhara therapy services will help in the diseases/disorders related with: Head, Neck, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat. Shirodhara ayurvedic treatment services strengthen the central nervous system, diabetic neuropathy, paralysis and certain skin diseases.
Duration : One hour
Course : 7 to 14 days
Disclaimer: The complete effectiveness of our treatment methods cannot be guaranteed or vouchsafed as the medical condition of a person is a matter of utmost sensitivity which also hinges on numerous factors that are outside our control. The result of the treatment methods could vary from person to person.
Jeevamrutham Heritage Ayurvedic Treatment Center
MB Complex, Kandamkulam Road
Calicut-673002, Kerala-India
Contact no: +91 99958 13860